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Words or Water
Poems in the collection:
"If Life Began," "In Search of Oceans," "Something Sweeter than Fish," "Fault Lines," "Confessions," "Plan B," "On Sundays," "Annual Fast," "And his ride was always the roller coaster," "His Thumb on My Belly," "Santa Bárbara de San Cristóbal," "Adiós," "Intercession," "The Color of Pride," "All I want is a lemon," "Aquí," "Here"
"If Life Began," "In Search of Oceans," "Something Sweeter than Fish," "Fault Lines," "Confessions," "Plan B," "On Sundays," "Annual Fast," "And his ride was always the roller coaster," "His Thumb on My Belly," "Santa Bárbara de San Cristóbal," "Adiós," "Intercession," "The Color of Pride," "All I want is a lemon," "Aquí," "Here"
Poems in the collection:
"I <3 NYC," "The Bleachers," "after her wake," "Lonelidad," "Polvo," "En el hospital," "First Nephew," "sin subtítulos," "The Reading," "A Poet's Kiss," "My Virginity Asks," "Ode to August 8th," "Untitled," "Packing 2012," "Wherever I Go," "Japanese American Cultural Awareness," "MyPostPartum," "Insomnia," "In Los Angeles," "MexiRican Love," "I <3 LBC"
"I <3 NYC," "The Bleachers," "after her wake," "Lonelidad," "Polvo," "En el hospital," "First Nephew," "sin subtítulos," "The Reading," "A Poet's Kiss," "My Virginity Asks," "Ode to August 8th," "Untitled," "Packing 2012," "Wherever I Go," "Japanese American Cultural Awareness," "MyPostPartum," "Insomnia," "In Los Angeles," "MexiRican Love," "I <3 LBC"
"De luto y sin dopamina / Mourning Missing Dopamine"
"To the White Parenting 'Expert'"
poem in L.A. Parent
July 2020 Issue
Click here for the print version.
"Hechizo para congelar"
"Family Physician"
Bellevue Literary Review
Issue 36, June 2019
"I Imagine Him Small," "Mammals," and "Waiting for Cosmos”
poems in Raising Mothers
January 2019
poem in The Acentos Review
August 2018
"Momentos de María"
poem in Hinchas de Poesia
Issue 22, July 2018
"Poe Park"
"The View from the Hospital"
"Pulse Puertorriqueño"
poem in The Brilliantina Project
July 26, 2016
"In Los Angeles,"
"His Thumb on My Belly"
poem in The Practice of Creativity Blog
April 17, 2016
"Aquí" and "Here"
poems in Redux: A Literary Journal
March 1, 2016
"Intercessions" and "Miscarry"
"Vulture," "His Thumb on My Belly," and "Comadre"
"After Yale"
"Mexi-Rican Love"
"All I want is a lemon"
"I Tease Your Momma 'Cause She's Fat and on Welfare"
"El Pilón," "Infarto," "Santa Barbara de San Cristóbal," & "Something Sweeter than Fish"
poems in Centro: Letras. Fall 2011
"On Sundays"
poem online in ONSQU Blogtest. Fall 2011
"Fried Apple Pies," and "Letters"
poem in The Acentos Fellows Anthology. Zion Imprints. 2010
(limited edition chapbook)
"Pelo Bueno"
"Confessions," "Colposcopy," and "La Señora"
poem in Chicana/Latina Studies: the Journal of MALCS
Vol 10. Issue 1. Fall 2010
"Sin subtítulos" August 2010
poems online in Encuentro al Sur.
"polvorín en mayo"
poem in where the wind turns: The Red Moon Anthology. 2009;
online and in print in Modern Haiku. Issue 40.2. Summer 2009
(chosen favorite haiku Winter-Spring 2009);
in Modern Haiku. Issue 40.1. Winter-Spring 2009
"Idealism '08" and "In Search of Oceans"
poem online in Kweli Journal. Fall/Winter 2009
"Your Back"
poem online in The Acentos Review.
September 2008
"More the Dancing," "Poe Park," and "Aquí"