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It's taken me a week to recover from the whirlwind trips to Portland, OR for AWP and Boston, MA for The Muse & The Marketplace.
The best part of each was definitely connecting with old friends and making some new ones. I documented my fun on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, and below is a sampling of the pics I took. You can click on any of the posts to access the original Instagram or Facebook posts and explore further. Enjoy! Writers Conferences Recaps: #AWP19 & #Muse19#Muse19
Happy National Poetry Month!
It's never too early introduce your littles to poetry, and I've compiled a list of picture books that can help you do just that.
Below I've included books that feature poetry as well as books that share the biographies of great poets. The starred (*) titles are books I own or have borrowed from the library, and the rest are titles I hope to check out soon. I've also included a link to my poetry collection Words or Water, but that one is just for the adults ;)
What picture books featuring poetry do you and your family love?
Write Your Yeara workbook for
Writers & Creatives by Li Yun Alvarado Words or Water
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