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Picture Books for Puerto Rican Navidad
In Puerto Rico La Navidades are celebrated from Thanksgiving to las Octavitas (the eight days after Reyes -- aka January 14).
I wanted to celebrate our unique approach to the season by featuring some of the picture books that best capture the spirit of our Navidades Boricuas. Several of the picture books below need to be purchased directly from the publisher, so it's a good idea to snag these titles ASAP if you'd like to enjoy them this holiday season. I've also included below the Sesame Street Holiday CD that features María & Luis singing an aguinaldo (traditional Puerto Rican Christmas Carol). ¡Wepa! ¡Feliz Navidad!
For holiday celebrations beyond Puerto Rico, check 0ut this booklist:
ABC Parranda
by ABC Coquí
Resources for Raising Anti-Racist KidsMy partner and I believe that #BlackLivesMatter and that one of the most important contributions we can make to movements for social justice is raising our kids right. We are committed to raising kids who are not afraid to take *action* in order to combat racism (in themselves, in their families, in their communities), and who believe in and will fight for equity, inclusion, and social justice. For context: we are a multiethnic, multiracial, bilingual (Spanish/English), MexiRican family, living in one of the most diverse cities in the United States. We know that combatting the anti-blackness that runs rampant within our Latinx communities will be central to the work we do as parents. We also know we must prepare our kids for the possibility that they might face discrimination or witness other loved ones facing discrimination. About these ResourcesI've compiled the resource guides and reading lists below to help us with our own Anti-Racist parenting work, and I share them here in the hopes they may be useful to you as well.
Happy National Poetry Month!
It's never too early introduce your littles to poetry, and I've compiled a list of picture books that can help you do just that.
Below I've included books that feature poetry as well as books that share the biographies of great poets. The starred (*) titles are books I own or have borrowed from the library, and the rest are titles I hope to check out soon. I've also included a link to my poetry collection Words or Water, but that one is just for the adults ;)
What picture books featuring poetry do you and your family love?
Picture Books: Women's History Month & International Women's Day!
Happy Women's History Month and International Women's Day (3/8)!
For this edition of Comelibritos' Corner (Little Bookworm's Corner), I've compiled picture books that celebrate extraordinary women for you to share with the littles in your life. Add some of these to your collection and enjoy them all year round!
The books below are organized in four categories:
The titles with a (*) next to their names are books I own or have taken out of the library and can recommend first hand. The rest are titles I think sound interesting and I'm planning to check out myself soon. Happy Reading! & ¡Que Vivan Las Mujeres! Holiday Picture Books: Thanksgiving through Día de Los Reyes
That whirlwind that is the holiday season is almost upon us!
While the holidays can be stressful, there is one part I really enjoy: displaying our holiday picture books and discovering new ones! I always think about how books can serve as both mirrors and windows for the little ones in our lives. We use books as mirrors when we share our family's holiday traditions -- like watching the Macy's Parade, singing aguinaldos, or waiting for gifts from Los Tres Reyes Magos. We use books as windows when we read together about how other families celebrate during this time of the year.
Holiday books also make great GIFTS! So if you're not sure what to get for your favorite kids this season, consider adding to their holiday book collections.
To get you started, I've included some of our family's favorite books (and a music album) below! Don't forget to share some of your family's favorites in the comments. ¡Felicidades! Picture Books for Fall, Halloween & Dia de Los Muertos
Halloween & Dia de Los Muertos is next week! Just wanted to share some of our favorite picture books for this season.
Check out the books below and share them with some of the little ones in your life!
*Updated with new books on 9/21/21. Books for Little Baseball Fans
If your family is anything like mine then it's watching a lot of baseball these days in anticipation of the World Series!
From mi Bisabuela (a Dodgers fan) to my little one (whose word for baseball is Do-dus), Baseball has been a family affair for as long as I can remember. This year is no different and it's baseball baseball baseball all the time up in here! Go Dodgers!
In honor of the season, here's a peek at our hearty collection of Books for Little Baseball Fans. Plus I've thrown in a few bonus books for the young at heart.
Enjoy the list below, grab a book or two for your favorite kiddos, and don't forget to share this list with all the baseball lovers in your life! Spend Your Summer with Puerto Rico:
by Mark Gonzales
Illustrated by Mehrdokht Amini |
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Puerto Rican Poet, Scholar & Parent
Amplifying Puerto Rican and underrepresented voices while supporting aspiring & emerging writers through her writing, teaching, and advocacy.
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