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Celebrating *Words or Water* with family & friends yesterday filled me with deep joy!
Thank you to the amazing women who read beside me: Tisha, Amanda, Jessica, and Xochitl-Julisa! Thank you to Connie & the SoCal ACLU! Thank you to the staff at Work Evolution Laboratories! Thank you to my husband Michael & mother-in-law Laura for all the extra help! Shout out to Baby M who rocked his ACLU "Free Speech" onesie! And THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU to everyone who came out to support me and this book. Love you, fam ❤️ Please send and/or tag me in any pics you have of the event (even ones I'm not in). I want these memories forever & ever. Here's to the first of many book celebrations! ????✒️? #WoWBookParty #WordsOrWater |
Write Your Yeara workbook for
Writers & Creatives by Li Yun Alvarado Words or Water
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