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2020 Year In Review: Money EditionEach year, I complete my annual planning workbook: Write Your 2021: Reflect, Set Intentions, & Chart a Course for Your Writing Life.
One of the things I track, and like to share about, are the various income streams I've established to help support my creative life. Over the last few years I've shared these money updates on the blog, in part because us creatives aren't always as honest and transparent about the role money -- and more precisely financial security -- plays in our ability to create and do good work in the world.
2020: Writing Life in Review
A THREAD 1/ A #WritingLife is not lived by #Publications alone. Here's my #writinglife #yearinreview. Prefer it all in one place? Read the full thing here: liyunalvarado.com/blog/2020review
2/ January Blogs: "Earthquakes in Puerto Rico" & "2019 Money Update" https://www.liyunalvarado.com/blog/archives/01-2020 3/ March: MAY I SPOTLIGHT YOUR WORK: I invited my community to submit work for spotlighting in my newsletter and in my #PoetryPause series in April: https://www.liyunalvarado.com/spotlight.html 4/ March, April, May: quarantine and no childcare. #yatusabes 5/ May: I began coaching @casslanewrites as she prepares for her book launch. Preorder her amazing memoir, WE ARE BRIDGES, today! #affiliatelink https://bookshop.org/a/300/9781952177927 Picture Books for Puerto Rican Navidad
In Puerto Rico La Navidades are celebrated from Thanksgiving to las Octavitas (the eight days after Reyes -- aka January 14).
I wanted to celebrate our unique approach to the season by featuring some of the picture books that best capture the spirit of our Navidades Boricuas. Several of the picture books below need to be purchased directly from the publisher, so it's a good idea to snag these titles ASAP if you'd like to enjoy them this holiday season. I've also included below the Sesame Street Holiday CD that features María & Luis singing an aguinaldo (traditional Puerto Rican Christmas Carol). ¡Wepa! ¡Feliz Navidad!
For holiday celebrations beyond Puerto Rico, check 0ut this booklist:
ABC Parranda
by ABC Coquí |
Write Your Yeara workbook for
Writers & Creatives by Li Yun Alvarado Words or Water
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