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2019 Publication Updates: 3 Poems in Raising Mothers.
Last week my first publications of the year went live over at Raising Mothers, “an online literary journal for mothers of color that exists at the intersection of art, scholarship, and community.”
“Waiting for Cosmos”
I’m honored to have my work featured in such an important journal and am especially excited about having these three poems published there. Read on to learn more about how these three came to be...
Mamihood, Writing, and Money: Moving Past My Money Shame & Crafting a Creative Life I Love
Recently my friend, poet and scholar Raina J. León, had her essay "On Labor's Value" published in the VIDA Review.
In it, Raina asks: "When and for what should I be paid? And when I am not offered compensation, to what will I say no in favor of my family, my art, my life?"
For Raina (as for me and others I'm sure) so many of these questions -- which have always been there -- have taken on a new urgency since the birth of her child. Raina explains:
My question is: shouldn't we all be asking (and searching for answers to) those same questions alongside her?
Busy Book Nerds: It's Time to Embrace Audiobooks
If someone ever told me I'd be listening to books instead of reading them, I might have given them some serious side eye... until now!
Write Your Yeara workbook for
Writers & Creatives by Li Yun Alvarado Words or Water
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